A League of Their Own | “Marvel’s What If … ?” Season 1, Episode 9, “What If … The Watcher Broke His Oath” Review

Critic's Note: While I've covered spoilers before in previous episodes I've reviewed, this one will be going over the post-credit scene. And here we are at the season finale. The show started as a series of alternate MCU scenarios that showed how the events of "Loki" and "WandaVision" unraveled the multiverse in the post-Infinity Saga... Continue Reading →

She Can Do It! | “Marvel’s What If …” Season 1: Episode 1 “What If … Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?” Review

And now for something completely different. While Mitchell has done a solid job with reviewing the Marvel and Star Wars shows, I volunteered to take over episodic reviews of the latest Marvel show on Disney Plus. With shows like "Loki" and "WandaVision" leading to "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness" being the catalyst for... Continue Reading →

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